
Search and destroy advanced warfare
Search and destroy advanced warfare

search and destroy advanced warfare

The game (being a poorly created mod of MW2, itself a poorly created mod of CoD 4/World at War, thereby making it double poor), apart from some reskinned weapons/equipment/etc. It also contains Frenchies who, of course, can't fucking fight for themselves, so the world's next shittiest army is called in to defend them. Poorly made and wasting 4 hours on even Hardcore difficulty. Modern Warfare 3 attempts an equally pathetic attempt at tugging on gamer's heart strings by blowing up some loli. Similar to Modern Warfare 2's attempt at displaying the srs bsn of war within the mission No Russian. Add snow effects so people will think that the background is white instead of nonexistent. Be lazy and add a hastily drawn silhouette of a soldier on the title.According to the sales records, you and everybody in your home owns at least three copies, which is the only statistical improvement from Modern Warfare 2. The leveling system is also ass-backwards, making it so you have to level up universally to get unlocks for guns, instead of just using the guns you like and getting unlocks for those guns. Also, on the Master Race Machine, this thing was promoted as having dedicated servers, but in fact, those dedicated servers are only for unranked games, so if you want to unlock shit, you have to play on IWNET. but really, it is really the same thing as last time. The story is typical of CoD, Commie Russians fuck shit up, and you have to stop them! AMERICA! FUCK YEAH!, that kind of shit. The graphics look about as good as CoD4's, which was made in FUCKING 2007. This thing is, once again, the same fucking thing as last time, and is held together solely by the massive jizz generated by the orgy of the millions that paid for this pathetic excuse of vidya. Relying on an archaic engine from 2007, this game promises to offer you a totally different experience than any other CoD game, intense gunplay, squad tactics, a deep and engaging story line, and hundreds of hours of multiplayer fun. Modern Warfare 3 (AKA: Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2: Electric Boogaloo DLC, Generic Shooter 3, Modern Warfare 2.5, Cowadooty Rehashed Warfare 2.5 DLC, Call of Duty: Same Shit Every Year 3, Money Wasted 3, Soap and Price Save The World, and Campsite Simulator the Game 3: Still Camping), is the highly successful and Jewgolds-generating sequel to Modern Warfare 2 and it prides itself on being MOAR REALISTICAL THAN THE LAST GAEM WITH BETTAR GRAPHICS ND' GUNPLAYYY XD!!1!!. Finally, a way to achieve max cash with minimal effort.

search and destroy advanced warfare

Change number on title, call it a sequel.īehold, No-dick's greatest achivement.

Search and destroy advanced warfare